Rainbow Huge Pegasus NFT on Sale for Over 2 Million US Dollars!

We previously wrote about the release of the first ever Pet Simulator X non-fungible token (NFT), the Huge Pegasus. You can read that article here. Well, the Rainbow version of the pet first sold to a user named “FishyBlox” for 4.5946 Ethereum (ETH), which was worth over 20,000 USD at the time. It was then sold to a user named “AlohaTy” for 8 ETH only a month later. Now, “AlohaTy” has put it on sale, for a whopping 888 ETH – which is worth over 2 million USD today! That’s $2,373,259.92 to be exact!
Current prices of the Huge Pegasus NFTs listed on OpenSea
If you are looking to buy a Huge Pegasus NFT, but can’t afford the Rainbow version, don’t fret – because there are still the Golden and Regular versions for sale. The current “for sale” prices of each type of Huge Pegasus Pet are below, shown in Ethereum (ETH), a cryptocurrency, and its equivalent USD value:
- Rainbow Huge Pegasus
- 888 ETH = USD 2,373,224
- Golden Huge Pegasus
- 10 ETH = USD 26,725
- Regular Huge Pegasus
- 6.75 ETH to 8.88 ETH = USD 18,039 to USD 23,732