How much is an Otter Worth in Pet Simulator X?

The Otter pet was released in Update 13 of Pet Simulator X, also known as the Christmas Update. There are no Golden, Rainbow, or Dark Matter versions of this pet. Here are some stats for the Otter pet:
- 7.25b damage
- Glittering, Charm and Diamonds III enchantments
The Otter was on sale at the Exclusive Shop for a short time.
- If you purchased the Otter from the Exclusive Shop, it would have cost you 599 Robux
You can also get the Otter pet from trading with other players.
- The current estimated trading value for the Otter pet is 2,400,000,000 or 2.4 billion diamonds/gems
The latest, updated values list for the Otter pet can be found on our values page here. It will change depending on supply and demand.