Festive Agony
The Festive Agony is an EPIC pet that could have been hatched from the Jolly Egg found in the Christmas World, during the Christmas Event 2021. It had a 0.39% chance of hatching.
The latest Pet Simulator X value list for Festive Agony can be found below:

💎 23,000 (23k)

💎 69,000 (69k)

💎 213,000 (213k)

Dark Matter
💎 670,000 (670k)
Festive Fun Facts!
Christmas is a holiday celebrated on December 25th by many people around the world. During Christmas, people often exchange gifts, decorate their homes with lights and ornaments, and spend time with family and friends. Many cultures have their own unique traditions associated with Christmas, such as the Christmas tree and the custom of Santa Claus delivering gifts to children. For many people, Christmas is a time of joy, peace, and reflection.